
How do I schedule a Baptism?
Call the parish office (203-531-8730) to schedule a Baptism. Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays at 12:45 p.m.


What are the requirements for godparents?
Godparents HAS TO BE 18 YEARS OF AGE and have received the three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. If married, the godparent should be married according to the laws of the Catholic Church.

Each godparents needs to supply a sponsor certificate (letter) from the parish where he/she is currently a participating member stating he/she is qualified to act as a godparent. Sponsor certificates or letters for godparents are due two weeks before the Baptism.


How do I provide flowers for a Mass?
Call the parish office (203-531-8730), mail (Sacred Heart Church, 38 Gold ST, Greenwich, CT 06830) or email (sacredheartgrn@optonline.net) with the date(s) of your request, the intention and requested by information. For more than three requests, please write or email your requests. The altar flower stipend is $70.00.


How do I arrange for a funeral service?
The funeral home you make the arrangement with will contact the rectory and schedule the funeral. After the funeral home call the rectory and schedules the funeral, you will be contacted.


How do I schedule a marriage?
This should be arranged at least six months in advance of the planned date. Call the rectory (203-531-8730) for an appointment. The church should be contacted before booking a venue for the reception.

Mass Card:

How do I obtain a Mass card?
Call the Parish Office at 203-531-8730 for Mass cards. Office hours are 9:00am to 1:00pm Monday thru Friday.. The stipend for Mass cards is $10.00 per Mass.

Mass Requests:

How do I request a Mass?
Call the parish office (203-531-8730), mail (Sacred Heart Church, 38 Gold ST, Greenwich, CT 08830) or email (sacredheartgrn@optonline.net)) with the date(s) of your request, the intention and requested by information. For more than three requests, please write or email your requests. Requests for Altar Bread & Wine, Altar Flowers and Sanctuary Candle are often requested with Mass requests. The stipend for Masses is $10 per request.

Altar Bread & Wine and Sanctuary Candle:

How do I provide Altar Bread & Wine for a Mass?
Call the parish office (203-531-8730), mail (Sacred Heart Church, 38 Gold ST, Greenwich, CT 06830) or email (sacredheartgrn@optonline.net) with the date(s) of your request, the intention and requested by information. For more than three requests, please write or email your requests. The Altar Bread & Wine stipend is $10.00.

Offertory Envelopes and Gifts:

How do I obtain weekly offertory envelopes?
To request weekly offertory envelopes call the bookkeeper : Gail MacLean  (203-531-8730) or email (sacredheartgrn@optonline.net).

What is electronic collection of my offertory gifts (Online Giving) and how do I arrange for this?
Electronic collection (Online Giving) is a direct payment program whereby your contribution is debited automatically from your checking, savings or credit card account into Sacred Heart Church bank account.
Online Giving Authorization forms are available at each entrance of the Church. Please contact our bookkeeper Gail MacLean at 203-531-8730 or email (sacredheartgrn@optonline.net) for information or to arrange online giving.

What should I do with my weekly offertory gift if I miss attending a Mass?
Bring your envelope(s) to the next Mass you attend and place in the collection basket.

Registration in the Parish:

How do I become a registered member of this parish?
To be officially registered in any parish, you need to complete a Registration Form. Even if you attend Mass regularly, contribute or receive Offertory envelopes, you are not registered in a parish if you haven’t completed a Registration Form. CLICK HERE for Registration Form.

Religious Education – Faith Formation

What is your religious education program at Sacred Heart?
Sacred Heart Parish offers Religious Education classes for children in grade one through Confirmation (Grade 8). Children should attend classes every year in order to develop a strong faith foundation.
Classes begin in September and continue through May.

How do I enroll my child for Religious education?

  • Please CLICK HERE to complete form.  If you need any help, please call the rectory at 203-531-8730 or email: DRE-SH-Gr@diobpt.org.
  • If not a registered parishioners, please completed the Parish Registration Form by clicking this LINK.
  • If you are registering your child for the first time, please include a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate and First Communion Certificate (if your child received First Communion) with your registration materials.
  • Payment for the registration should be mailed to Sacred Heart Religious Education, 38 Gold ST, Greenwich, CT 06830.  If you want to submit the form in person, please CALL the office for an appointment.

Virtus Training (Safe Environments):

What is Virtus and how do I sign up for it?
Virtus, Protecting God’s Children, is a child sexual abuse prevention program. Maximizing a church’s role as a child-safe environment begins with making adults more aware of the ways children and adults interact with each other. The Protecting God’s Children program educates and trains adults (clergy, religious, teachers, staff, volunteers, and parents) about the dangers of abuse, the warning signs of abuse, the ways to prevent abuse, the methods of properly reporting suspicions of abuse, and responding to allegations of abuse.

Prior to working or volunteering in any capacity in the Diocese of Bridgeport all new adults (18 and older) are required to register online with VIRTUS (www.virtusonline.org) and complete a live VIRTUS training session, Protecting God’s Children, which lasts approximately three 3-hours. The Mind Your Business, Inc. (MYB) criminal background check and an electronic acknowledgement of the Safe Environment Handbook is included in the registration process.  Click here for the 2020 Safe Environment handbook.

Click here to go to the Virtus web site.


How do I take a more active role in the parish?
VOLUNTEER! Talk to ministry coordinators. Have an idea for serving our parish? Call Father Mark D’Silva (203-531-8730) or email (sacredheartgrn@optonline.net) or the parish office with the ministry you’d like serve. You will be put in contact with the ministry coordinator. Our parish ministries include: Adult Faith Formation; Altar Decoration; Bible Study (Advent and Lent); Birthright and Angel Tree; Counters; Eucharistic Ministers; Greeters; Hospitality, Lectors; Liturgical Music; Prayer Group; Prayer Shawl; Religious Education; Thanksgiving and Easter Baskets; and Virtus.

If you play a musical instrument, your help is greatly needed. Please contact Father Mark D’Silva.

Additional teachers, teacher assistants and substitutes for our Religious Education program are also needed.